-Antelope Valley Real Estate-It Still Makes Sense to Buy VS Rent

Buying a home can be scary, overwhelming, thrilling, exasperating, and inspiring all at once, but the feeling of

home-ownership trumps them all.

Which is why;

It Still Makes Sense To BUY VS RENT!

Why?You ask.

To show you the benefits of owning your very own home, i will be doing a 2 part blog series. The first blog post will be about renting statistics and where YOUR money goes, and the second part will be the essential Information on the benefits and perks of home-ownership. An owner-occupier (also known as an owner-occupant or home owner) is a person who lives in and owns the same home. It is a type of housing tenure. The home of the owner-occupier may be, for example, a houseapartmentcondominium, or a housing cooperative. The immovable property of the owner, which includes the home and the land upon which it sits, is known as the real estate.

FIRST lets talk about a couple fun rental facts!


Nearly 1/3 of all households rent

Baby boomer children-Echo boomers

With that being said, let’s take a closer look at home prices

  • Despite National Headlines,

Home Prices Tend to be Localized

  • Housing Prices Are Tied to Job Market
  • If Local Job Market is Weak –

Local Area Prices May Be Lower As Well

Now for the fun facts about RENTING!

Renting is an agreement where a payment is made for the temporary use of a good, service or property owned by another. A gross lease is when the tenant pays a flat rental amount and the landlordpays for all property charges regularly incurred by the ownership from landowners. This system is used in case of washing machines to handbags and jewelry.

Renting Costs a Lot – A Whole Lot!

Now remember, these are ONLY assumptions: 

  • $1,500 Monthly Rent Payments
  • Landlord Increases Rent 5% Yearly
  • Five-Year Costs = Nearly $100,000!
  • Costs to Improve…GONE!
  • Oh yeah, your landlord thanks you
  • Overall Costs…Too Painful to Look At

Renters! FIGHT BACK! Show Your Landlord The Money 

 Assuming a 5% increase per year:

  •   Year       Monthly Rent     Annual Rent
  •     1            $1,500                $18,000
  •     2            $1,575                $18,900
  •     3            $1,654                $19,848
  •     4            $1,737                $20,844
  •     5            $1,824                $21,888
  •     Total                                 $99,480

Average monthly rent over five years $1,658

Whew! Tough information to read right? The good thing is, the bad is out of the way! Start the steps to your future of home-ownership and join me next week to get the essential Information on the benefits and perks of home-ownership.

If you or someone you know is ready to take the step towards buying a home, give RE/MAX All-Pro a call at 661.945.9461.

9 Reasons To Buy A House Now;Palmdale Real Estate Experts

RE/MAX All-Pro; Palmdale Real Estate and Lancaster Real Estate Experts
At RE/MAX All-Pro we pride our selves on being Real Estate experts and are always researching the current housing market. Below is an article from Forbes with some important information we’d like to share with you. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to give us a call at 661.945.9461or visit our website RE/MAX ALL-PRO

9 Reasons To Buy A House Now

If you’re planning to buy a house right now, the next few months may be the best time to buy. Waiting for both housing prices and interest rates to fall may not be a good strategy for potential homebuyers since analysts don’t expect any significant declines in these two most important home-buying factors. Here’s nine real estate trends that suggest you should get into the housing market sooner than later. (To learn more, check out 5 Sunny Real Estate Markets To Watch In 2011)

TUTORIAL: How to Buy Your First Home

1. Lowest Housing Prices in Years
Nobody knows when the housing market will hit bottom, but prices are at their lowest in several years and may soon start inching back up again. So buying now or in the near future may be the right time. An abundance of bargain-priced housing is now available because of foreclosures and falling prices.

2. Interest Rates at a 50-Year Low
Interest rates are near a 50-year low, according to housing analysts. By the second week of May, 2011, 30-year fixed mortgage rates had fallen to their lowest rates of the year at 4.63%. Although mortgage rates vary from day to day, the 30-year rate at this level is an attractive inducement to first-time buyers, or buyers who want to either move up to larger residences, or others, including many empty-nesters wanting to sell and move to smaller houses or condos.


3. Interest Rates Expected to Go Up
As the economic recovery gains momentum, interest rates are expected to increase, making mortgages more expensive. Even a half-percent increase in mortgage interest can add a hundred dollars or more to your monthly payments, depending on the amount of your loan. (To learn more about interest rates, read Forces Behind Interest Rates.)

4. Adjustable Rate Mortgages at Record Lows
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) are also lower now, although there are risks that interest rates may increase over the life of the mortgage and the balloon payment due at the end of the mortgage life, usually three or five years, could be substantial. Nevertheless, for new buyers who are sure they’ll have enough income to meet payment obligations, an ARM may be the best way to buy a house. Keep in mind that payments may increase on a monthly basis. For a full explanation of advantages and risks in an ARM, visit the federalreserve.gov.


5. Low Down Payment Mortgages Available
Low-down-payment financing through Federal Housing Administration-insured mortgages is available as an additional inducement to buy a house now. Down payment minimum requirements also fluctuate and may increase as the market heats up, so potential buyers with less cash to consummate a deal may be well-advised to buy now. 

6. Easy to Qualify, Easy to Borrow
Lending standards have become less rigid recently, so qualifying for a mortgage may be easier. Experts advise that a potential buyer become pre-approved for a loan by a lending institution – meaning that a lender guarantees to make the loan contingent on an appraisal of the property. But the good news in seeking pre-approval is that lenders are now willing to let a potential buyer take on more debt than the previous formula allowed – a percentage of monthly income. (For more on getting a cost effective mortgage, see Score A Cheap Mortgage.)

7. Lenders Offer No-Fee Mortgages
Many banks and other lending institutions are waiving mortgage loan generation and other fees and points (each point represents 1% of the loan amount), thereby reducing the cost of buying.

8. Home Builders Eager to Sell, Offer Incentives
Home builders, competing with the resale market, are offering incentives to potential buyers to reduce their inventory of unsold new homes. Incentives may include cash for furniture or free refrigerators, washers and dryers. In Seattle, for example, builders have offered opportunities to win iPads or Smart phones, and $3,000 buyer bonuses. Specific demographic groups, including military personnel, police, firefighters and health-care workers, have been targeted by builders for special offers. But virtually anyone who can qualify for a mortgage is likely to get a good deal from a homebuilder who is eager to sell.  


9. Motivated Home Owners Desperate to Sell
Desperate sellers of existing homes have also been offering attractive inducements to potential home buyers, including warranties on appliances, air conditioners and furnaces. Some sellers are even offering cash or have included furnishings, refrigerators, washers and dryers as a bonus to potential buyers. With so many existing homes in foreclosure or underwater – bargain prices are abound in this depressed market. (For help on buying a house, read Top Tips For First-Time Home Buyers.)

The Bottom Line
With a convergence of the factors above, all of which are favorable to the prospective home buyer, there may not be a better time to buy than right now. It’s a buyer’s market, but like everything else in life, the bargain deals won’t last. (To help determine if it is the right time to buy, read Are You Ready To Buy A House?)


10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip A Home Inspection
5 Reverse Mortgage Scams
Why There’s No Such Thing As A Bad Real Estate Market

Santa, Santa, Please Stop Here. Fill Our Home With Christmas Cheer!

Santa, Santa, Please Stop Here. Fill Our Home With Christmas Cheer!


Memories are a special house
We build inside ourselves
Where love and laughter linger,
Where all our past life dwells.

 On holidays like Christmas
We can draw upon the

 Reliving happy times

 And feeling all that warmth once more.

Wherever we may travel,
This house is always there
To help to blend the old and new,
To build on . . . grow . . . and share

 This house can never get too full,
Just grow from floor to floor,
Because the joy of memories
Is always making more.



What a beautiful poem.

I like the reference to the way we house our memories and it got me thinking about the home I grew up in and all the special memories that were created there. The holiday season has always brought a special joy to me. Looking back on Christmases past, I am reminded of the many special traditions that my parents built and nurtured through the holidays in order to bring a little magic to the season. I realize that all of my memories of joy and happiness are enveloped in the home I grew up in. Now, every year I work to re-create many of those same traditions into our home so my children can share in the same joys of the season.

I remember being curled up on the couch with a fire blazing in the hearth, listening to the jokes and laughter of my brothers and dad  trying to put up a tree bigger than the living room. Our tree was always “lightly flocked” which always meant that by the time it was finally standing proud my dad and my brothers were “lightly flocked” as well. My mom was always very particular about the direction and tilt of the tree so the boys would move it back and forth and round and round until she could claim the tree showings to it’s best potential. One year, my mom decided that the tree branches hung a little too close to the ground so my brothers thought that it was completely necessary to find the largest chainsaw in my dad’s garage to trim it up a bit. Outfited with goggles, gloves and a chainsaw they made a production out of trimming the offensive little problem branch.

  I remember standing with my mom in our kitchen and learning to make grandmas famous banana bread and applesauce cookies and I remember sitting at the top of the stairs with my brothers waiting for my parents to get up so we could make a mad rush towards the stockings and presents.

So many memories are wrapped up in the house I grew up in and I value every one. I hope your home brings a special warmth to your holiday season and that you and your family create many memories to cherish.

Thank You For Making RE/MAX All-Pro #1

Thank You For Making RE/MAX All-Pro #1

Keny and Cheyanne Terracciano take the time to thank all of our RE/MAX All-Pro customer’s, who voted us #1 in customer satisfaction for home buying and home selling in 2011. The award is presented by JD Power and Associates, who take customer surveys based on the customer’s review and rank multiple companies accordingly. RE/MAX All-Pro not only won, but we dominated both categories. Thank you to ALL of our customers for helping us become #1. We believe our first responsibility is to our clients. To meet their need, everything we do must be of the highest quality. From marketing and advertising to closing an escrow. If you or someone you know is buy or sell a home, RE/MAX All-Pro is the best option. Call us today at (661)945-9461 OR visit us online at http://remaxallpro.com.

Let Us Help You Achieve The American Dream

Rent vs. Own



I am currently renting a home in east Lancaster for $1300 per month. I am considering buying a home but I don’t know where to start.



Many families who are currently renting have made the decision and taken the steps to become homeowners.

The Savvy renter understands that they can pay much less per month to own their own home in than to continue renting.

RE/MAX All-Pro listed this home in East Lancaster for $103,900, and I think it’s a great example of what we are talking about today. We have Gabby- Godde with Mountain West Financial here within the Re/Max All Pro office to talk about the financial aspects of purchasing a home like this with you.



So with average rents in East Lancaster ranging from $1200-$1400 per month, we are talking about a savings between $200-300 per month


Current housing market conditions in Lancaster and Palmdale makes for a strong and compelling case for homeownership. With prices still well below the historic highs of just a few years ago and attractive mortgage rates, qualified buyers have a unique opportunity to own their own home.

It is important to consider all aspects of purchasing a home. There are costs of homeownership that are not included in this breakdown such as the maintenance and utilities of a home; however, there are also some compelling reasons to strive for the “American Dream.”

If you or anyone you know is interested in buying or selling a home, Re/Max All-Pro can help! Call us today for all your Palmdale Real Estate needs at (661)945-9461 OR visit our website at http://www.remaxallpro.com

We’re Not Just Realtors…We’re Talented Too

While flipping through the Antelope Valley Lifestyle magazine, I came across one of our own. Diana Blum was our very own Re/Max All Pro star as she is interviewed about her painting. This past year at the Antelope Valley Fair and Alfalfa Festival, Diana Blum received the Ruth Prue Award for her beautiful painting called “Jenna on a Swing”. Although Diana has received this wonderful award, she explains “I’ve won blue ribbons at the fair, but the Ruth Prue Award…this is a coveted  award. And when I won it, I was like ‘whoa!’ It was hard to believe.”It is definitely hard to believe that Diana has not always painted. She says “I thought you needed to be able to draw to paint, but you don’t you can learn how to paint.” She goes on to say that she picked up painting as a hobby to release her creative side in 2000 after closing down her side business. “I talked myself into a six week watercolor class by saying, “I did this in kindergarten. How much trouble could I get into?” Little did I know, Blum continues, “Quickly realizing watercolor wasn’t for me. I needed to locate an oil painting teacher, so I went to a Cedar Centre art show…and took down the names of any artist that was showing great work.”

Within her search she met Jo Gayle Gerner, and she quickly began taking classes from her. Blum says, “If I had not found Jo Gayle, I don’t know what would have happened to my art pursuits. Finding her was like hitting the Mother Lode-local class, well known and respected artist and teacher, a friendly and interactive class.” “I was starting from square one. I didn’t even own any oil paints or supplies, or know what to buy when I started her class. Once I began, I was hooked.” From Jo Gayle’s class and some determination Diana transformed her family room into a studio and starting painting after work. It was only after she started entering paintings in the fair that many of her friends and clients learned she was an artist. Now, she has developed a love for her art. Blum said, “You are not hungry,are unaware of what is going on around you, you don’t get tired, you can stay in this state for quite a while and have no idea how much time has gone by. You are so focused on the present, time as we know it ceases to matter.” Thank you Diana, for inspiring us all. To read the entire article on Diana Blum and her work, please look at the November issue of the Antelope Valley Lifestyle Magazine or visit http://www.avpress.com/avlifestyle/.